A #Magical #Number 37

Praise the LordЁЯЩП in continuation of my magical number post at #Twitter #X platform, i started thinking over it when i discussed with my daughter somedays back. Something striken me that magical number #37 is having more treasures inside it. Yes today i was blessed with the following sequences- 3*1*(37*1)=111 3*1*(37*2)=222 3*1*(37*3)=333 3*1*(37*4)=444 3*1*(37*5)=555 3*1*(37*6)=666 3*1*(37*7)=777 3*1*(37*8)=888 3*1*(37*9)=999 What a Beauty?? ЁЯМ║ЁЯе░ЁЯе░ЁЯе░ #Monodigit or #Repdigit pattern is arriving. Natural number thatbis made up of the same digit repeated multiple timesЁЯдй Let me checkout further on different types of numbers such as whole, natural, rational, irrational, even, odd, prime, composite, and integers.☦️