#Scaring nowadays to use #Whatsapp ? Due to recent #announcement on its policies many people started worrying about using W hatsApp. Moreover its controversial data-sharing’ privacy policy added fuel to the fire. Just hold on !! We have been using the WhatsApp normal and Business app since its release without spending a single penny and of course its various features have witnessed an smoothness in day to day activities as well as in #Business operations know. Even if you are away from modern #Technologies or not an Internet utiliser, your data is still accessible as all our data are already digitalized. Cool!! Thus there is no use in fearing about data security And what assurity is there with #Whatsapp alternatives? They may also amend or delete their polices in future right ? I am not the supporter of one App and Opponent of another App. Its just being Loyal thatz it. Loyalty is Lovely right ? ...