_,ЁЯСМЁЯЩПрооройிродройிрой் роЙроЯроо்рокிро▓் 4448 ро╡ிропாродிроХро│் роЙро│்ро│рой роОрой்ро▒ு родрооிро┤் роЪிрод்родро░் роЕроХрод்родிропро░் роХூро▒ுроХிрой்ро▒ாро░்._ #AvivaOrganics #Gajalakshmi #VictoryInstitution #Education #Health Coutersyb: ро╡ро│்ро│ро▓ாро░் рооூро▓ிроХை роЖро░ாроп்роЪ்роЪி рооைропроо் роиோроп் ро╡ிрокро░роо் !!!!ЁЯЩПЁЯЩПЁЯЩП ро╡ாродроо் - 84 рокிрод்родроо் - 48 роХрокроо் - 96 родройுро░்ро╡ாропு - 300 роЪропроо் - 7 рокெро░ுро╡ропро░் - 8 роЪூро▓ை - 200 роХрог்роиோроп் - 96 роЪிро▓рои்родி - 68 роЪрой்ройி - 76 роХро┤ро▓ை - 95 роЪுро░роо் - 85 роороХோродро░роо் - 7 родро▓ைро╡ீроХ்роХроо் - 5 роЙродிро░роиோроп் - 16 рокிро│ро╡ை - 10 рокроЯுро╡рой் - 11 рокீро▓ி - 8 роЙро░ுро╡роЪிропроо் - 5 рокேро░ро▒ிроХро▒рок்рокாрой் - 90 роХெрог்роЯை - 10 роХுроЯ்роЯроо் - 20 роХродிро░்ро╡ீроЪ்роЪு - 3 роородிро╡роЯ்роЯை - 5 роЪோро▓ிроиோроп் - 16 роЗроЪிро╡ு - 6 рооூро░்роЪ்роЪை - 7 ро╡ேро▓ிроиோроп் - 46 рооூро▓роо் - 9 роХро┤ро▓்роиோроп் - 10 роХроЯிро╡ிроЪроо் - 52 роХிро░ாрогி - 25 рокро▓் роиோроп் - 76 рооாро▓ை роХрог் - 20 роЕродிроЪாро░роо் - 25 роХроЯ்роЯி - 12 роХிро░ுрооி - 6 рооுроЯ்роЯு роиோроп் - 30 рооுродிро░் роиோроп் - 20 роЪрод்родி - 5 роХро▓்ро▓роЯைрок்рокு - 80 ро╡ாроп்ро╡ு - 90 родிрооிро░் роиோроп் - 10 рооேроХроо் - 21 роиீро░ாроо்рокро▓் - 5 роХாродுроиோроп் - 10 ро╡ிроХ்роХро▓் - 10 роЕро░ோроЪிроХроо் - 5 рооூроХ்роХро▒ுрок்рокрой் - 10 роХроЯிродோроЯроо் - 500 роХுрод்родு ро╡ெроЯ்роЯு - 700 роХிро░рои்родி - 48 рокொро▒ிро╡ிроЯроо் - 800 родுроЯிроиோроп் - 100 рокிро│்ро│ைроиோроп் - 100 роХுрооிро┤ி - 7 ро╡ிрок்рокுро░ுродி - 18...
Showing posts from November, 2024
VOC Great Businessman & LeaderLeader
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#VOC (ро╡ро╡ுроЪி)Chidambaram Pillai is the gift to #Tamilians as well as #Indians from Ottapidaram, #Tirunelveli District The Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company #SSNC was India's first indigenous shipping company, founded in 1906 by this great Personality only. It is his personal marvellous achievement during the period of #British rule in #India This Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company looks as to compete against the monopoly of the British India Steam Navigation Company (#BISNC). He launched the first indigenous Indian #shipping service between Tuticorin in British India and Colombo in Ceylon. They started with a capital of Rs 10 Lakh, divided into 40,000 shares. Actually INS Vikrant is being called as Indian's #Navy first aircraft carrier. But well before this as an individual VOC launched his Steam Navigation Company. What a courageous deedcommissioned as INS Vikrant commissioned on 4 March 1961 in Belfast by Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian High Commissioner ...
Must #Read #Books
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*Business/Personal Finance & Financial Independence /Entrepreneurship/Wealth & Investment Books* 1.Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki 2.The Compound Effect; Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy 3.The Millionaire Mind Thomas J Stanley 4.Secrets of the millionaire mind T.Harv Eker 4.The Millionaire Next Door; The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. 5.The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason 6.Think and Grow Ric.h by Napoleon Hill 7.Millionare success Habits 8.Never split the difference 9.Blue ocean strategy 10.Blue ocean shift 11.Psychology of money 12.How to win Friends and Influence People 13.Intelligent investors 14.80/20 rule Principle 15.Financial intelligence 16.Men women and money. 17.Good to great 18.Business Adventures 19.Influence-The pychology of pursuation 20.Side hustle 21.Shoe dog 22.$100 start up 23The lean start up 24.The millionaire fastlane 25.Think like an entr...