Must #Read #Books
*Business/Personal Finance & Financial Independence /Entrepreneurship/Wealth & Investment Books*
1.Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
2.The Compound Effect; Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy
3.The Millionaire Mind Thomas J Stanley
4.Secrets of the millionaire mind T.Harv Eker
4.The Millionaire Next Door; The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko.
5.The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
6.Think and Grow Ric.h by Napoleon Hill
7.Millionare success Habits
8.Never split the difference
9.Blue ocean strategy
10.Blue ocean shift
11.Psychology of money
12.How to win Friends and Influence People
13.Intelligent investors
14.80/20 rule Principle
15.Financial intelligence
16.Men women and money.
17.Good to great
18.Business Adventures
19.Influence-The pychology of pursuation
20.Side hustle
21.Shoe dog
22.$100 start up
23The lean start up
24.The millionaire fastlane
25.Think like an entrepreneur act like a CEO
26.Before you quit job
27.Why student A work for student C
28.Think like an entrepreneur act like a CEO
29.The total money makeover
30.Rich dad's guide to investing
31.Cashflow quadrant.
32.The business of 21st Century
33.I Will Teach You to Be Rich
34.Your Money Or Your Life
35.Millionare fastlane
36.Get good with money
37.MONEY Master the Game
38.Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom.
39.The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
40Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money
41.The 4-Hour Workweek
42.The Jewish Phenomenon
43.Zero to one
44.Your next five moves
45.The entrepreneur mind
47.The personal MBA
48.Crushing it for entrepreneur.
49.Warren Buffett on Business
50.Awakening the entrepreneur within
51.Bibilical roads to financial freedom
52.How to make it big as a consultant
#Victory #Education #Aviva #Organics #Agriculture #University
By Rtn Dr. Gajalakshmi
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